Miata's ear healed very nicely after much tender love and care (and prayers!) I strictly followed Dr. Brents instructions and continued to coat the problem area with Bacitracin each day and progress was made each day. It took about a week and a half to fully heal but at last it was indeed healed! We were most relieved!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Praise the Lord for Healing!
Miata's ear healed very nicely after much tender love and care (and prayers!) I strictly followed Dr. Brents instructions and continued to coat the problem area with Bacitracin each day and progress was made each day. It took about a week and a half to fully heal but at last it was indeed healed! We were most relieved!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Miata's Ear - Area of Concern...
Since removing Miata's bandage from her ear on Sunday morning there has been an area of concern! I immediately noticed a small section on her ear that looked as though it has been scratched/skinned. This of course concerned me a little but not too terribly much. It was Sunday so I knew I couldn't get in touch with the Dr.'s office so I just kept my eye on it throughout the day. Monday morning I decided to take pictures and email them to Dr. Brent just so he could take a look at it. There is a three hour time difference so I didn't hear back from him until later in the day because he wasn't due into his office until about 3:00pm (which is 6:00pm NC time.) He told me to immediately go buy some Bacitracin ointment and start putting lots of it on that area and keep it coated at all times. He was also telling me that he may want a plastic surgeon in Wilmington to look at it and follow it to be on the cautious side. He said this should not be there and it looks as though she had scratched it. Well all Dr.'s offices were closed by this time so he wanted me to keep it coated and then take more pictures on Tuesday (today) and send them to him. He called me this evening again after reviewing the pictures I sent and he said he wasn't quite as concerned today because the pictures look a little better. He still wants me to keep it coated at all times with lots of Bacitracin ointment and to continue to send pictures everyday. He said he would keep in touch with me each day and we will take it day at a time. To me her ear looks a little better today and hopefully will look even a little better tomorrow. Please pray that her ear will heal and that no further action will be needed!
On a lighter no
We had a wonderful weekend putting up our Christmas tree! After Christmas last year I bought a tree on sale for 75% off! The tree we had was/is about sixteen years old so it was time for a new one even though that one looked pretty good still. So the girls had fun decorating it and Kasity used our old one for her room. Her and Zach had fun putting that one together and decorating it but of course Miata had to help them!
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