As for Miata...
After waiting 1 ½ in the waiting area, due to all the doctors having to learn a new computer system that was implemented throughout UVA, we finally saw Dr. Kesser. He removed the packing from Miata’s ear (which took about 10 minutes) and then he asked her, “Can you hear me?” She said, “yes and your loud! That was definitely a good sign!! After checking down in her ear a little more and also removing some stitches on the outside he then tested her hearing with a tuning fork. She was able to hear the sou
nd for quite some time even when I could barely hear it when he held it next to my ear. This too was a good sign! Next he placed some antibiotic drops inside her ear and then some ointment. He showed me where to apply the ointment because I will again have to do this for the next month. When I asked about going to Audiology next he said normally he does not test the children until their one month post op. This is to allow for more healing as well as complete the series of ear drops and ointment. But he did go ahead and send us to Audiology for a quick rough hearing test. This test showed that she had moderate hearing. Normal hearing falls in the range fro
m 0 – 25 across all test frequencies and Miata’s showed the range of 35-45! So this is a huge improvement from her not hearing at all from that ear when tested through Air Conduction (from outside the ear.) Now she tested just a little below normal depending on the frequency. There are certain frequencies that she will never hear really well but that was to be expected and is not the frequency that people speak at so it isn’t that important. This quick test was also performed with ear drops in her ear as well as with quite a bit of ointment packed in her ear! We are very pleased with everything and are so happy for Miata! Please keep praying that her ear will continue to heal with no complications and for the next in-depth hearing test to reveal as good if not better results!!