Soon we were taken back to the prep area where Miata had to change into pjs. She got to wear her pj bottoms but had to wear the hospitals pj top. Once in pjs she waited in the bed and passed time by playing her DS. The nurse eventually came to get her ready. She tagged her, tatooed her, and took her vitals. She also took time to show/teach Miata what the vital numbers were and what they mean. Next she ga

Next I made my way to the waiting room where I waited for about three hours. Finally Dr. Brent emerged through the double doors and said, "Everything went superb and our "little character" this is what he calls her, did wonderfully! He showed me a picture of her ear after he completed the surgery and it looked great! Of course when we actually get to see it it will look much different because the swelling will have set in but the initial picture looks really good and is

Next I made my way back to the recovery area where Miata was still sleeping due to the anesthesiology. Within minutes she began to open her eyes but it still took a several more minutes before she was fully alert.
Computer battery is low... I will post more later.