We spent this morning packing our bags and preparing for this evening. Miata went for a walk with Jack to a local cafe and then when she returned we headed out for the day. Our first stop was at Chuck E. Cheese which of course was a must since she still had tokens from yesterday. Mary was with us so Miata was able to show her many games and how they worked! Remember Mary is from Kenya so she is still learning much about America and still experiencing many new things as a first for her! She has never been to a Chuck E. Chee

se or seen all these kind of games that you play. Well the first one I wanted her to experience was a
motion game! I explained to her you just sit/lay in it and you don't have to do anything (I didn't share the motion part!) So she got into the seat and Miata chose which roller coaster she wanted! Away they went and Mary jumped as soon as the seats began to move every which way! It was really funny!! Anyways, after getting use to it she enjoyed it and thought it w
as pretty neat. She watched Miata play many games and even joined in on a few.
Next we made our way to Dr. Brent's office for Miata's post-op appointment. They removed the bandages and took out the stitches (about 50!) Her ear of course is quite swollen but looks really good! After the swelling goes down and it heals more it will look so much better! When the nurse showed Miata she thought is was really cool! Like last time, she doesn't like the look of it being swollen and all the wrin

kles from the bandages being on it but she loves the fact that she has an ear and that it is looking more like an ear now! She really thought the front view was cool because it was the first time that at a glance you could see two ears that matched (well the best they can for right now!) Anyways, the nurse re-bandaged her ear then we talked with Dr. Brent a bit and then scheduled for her next surgery which will be on July 27th. Dr. Brent gave her a big hug and told her

he would see her very soon for her next surgery! We will be able to remove the bandage for good on Sunday! Miata will be most pleased with this as will I because then I can wash her hair! (Her poor hair looks awful as you can see in the pics!)
Ok the downside is that again she is not able to play for 4 weeks or swim for 6 weeks!! This means she is going to miss her very first field day, her year end party, and now that the weather is great she is also unable to go outside with her class and play with all her friends! She also cannot swim until around the third week in June! If you know Miata well you know that she is a fish! She has always
loved water and stays in it as much as she can! Even taking a bath will be hard for her because in the bathtub she stays under the water! So it will probably have to be showers only for a while so not to be temped!
I will post more on Sunday once we remove her bandage for good!