Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Part 2

In the evening we attended a fundraiser presentation that Arlene and others we holding regarding work they do in El Salvador. In April Arlene, Jack, and about 22 others were in El Salvador for their yearly visit to see the progress that has been made over the last year and to evaluate how they can assist the El Salvadorians in other ways. Arlene has been part of this endeavor for 15+ years and is very devoted and dedicated to this cause. This year was the first year that Stanford University actually engaged by sending a group of students from a theological class who has been studying in this field. It was amazing to see and hear these students speak about their experience in El Salvador and how their time with the El Salvadorians had changed their lives, their views of the world, their views of others outside of the US, and how others who are willing to give of themselves could make such a huge difference in people's lives everywhere! It made such a profound impact on a couple of the students that they have now changed their entire major so that they can obtain a degree and work in a field that will allow them to engage and help others around the world! It was a good presentation and a real eye opener. I hope to be able to post pictures after I return home. I am very limited as to what I can do with my computer while I am here in California.

Anyways, just a few more days and we will be heading home! We are getting excited!