Mary came along with us for the day. I was able to take her to the mechanic that is working on her car for her to talk with him about picking up the car soon. Remember when I was here before I was teaching her to drive!?! Well once I left she paid someone to continue teaching her and now she has obtained her license and also purchased a car! She is most amazing! She has overcome and accomplished so much in the two years she's been here in America!! She is 50 years old and has boldly tackled life and done what she needs to do to move forward! ***If you haven't read my prior posts about her you should!! She had endured so much but has not let that defeat her!!*** She has completed her CNA course and landed a pretty good part time job but has been unable to get a better job due to not having a car. It is required that she have a car for almost all job openings here. Well she now has saved her money, purchased a car, had that car repaired, obtained insurance, and is now just waiting on picking up the car so she can continue to tackle life. I actually took her to a facility today where they interviewed her for the second time for possible employment. Upon completion she informed me that she will get this job (and also keep her part time job!) as soon as she obtains her car, which should be sometime this week! There is no way I can even begin to explain everything about Mary!! All I can truly say is that she is incredible!!! She is also learning QuickBooks so that she can one day go back to the profession of accounting which is what she did in Kenya.