Redwood City - Progress made!! Hooray!!
Ok... my task is now mostly completed in Redwood City! What was my task? Well, do you recall our last visit here in April I had received a totally bogus parking ticket in Redwood City? I had went the very next morning to the Redwood City Police Dept. armed with parking citation, parking receipts, and several pictures on my cell phone regarding this! I spoke with a very nice officer and explained the situation and showed him all the evidence proving this was totally a mistaken ticket that was given to me. After hearing and seeing everything he agreed it was clearly a mistake and that I had done absolutely nothing incorrect rather the meter had just malfunctioned. He said do not worry at all about the ticket that he would get with the officer who wrote it and have it taken care of! I left with no worries and returned home and that was that... So I thought!! All was good (so I thought) until one day in June I received a letter from Hertz Rental Car stating that they were charging me $30.00 on my credit card for receiving a ticket in there car in April!! Ok... thankfully I had saved the officer's card so I immediately contacted him. I asked him to please look into why this hadn't been taken care of and have that officer take care of it! I also told him I would be back in the area in late July and that I would come there to assure all has been taken care of and to also obtain a written letter to Hertz explaining the situation so that they would credit me the $30.00 they charged my credit card. So... on Monday & Tuesday I went to the police station but was unable to see this specific officer. Today I was able to see and speak with him. He went and pulled my info. & my ticket and when he returned to me he was most apologetic in the fact that this officer still has not taken care of my ticket!! He assured me he was personally going to take care of it all today and would call me later to let me know of what he had done. Later he called me and said everything was done. He read the letter he had typed to Hertz and said he even called them and explained everything. He said the only next step was that this officer had to sign everything and it would be complete. Unfortunately this officer is out until Tuesday!! He has promised me that he personally will take it to him and have him sign the papers and complete everything himself!! I certainly hope this happens this time!! I would hate to find out months later that I still have an outstanding ticket out here!! Anyways, on to more important matters...
Ok... my task is now mostly completed in Redwood City! What was my task? Well, do you recall our last visit here in April I had received a totally bogus parking ticket in Redwood City? I had went the very next morning to the Redwood City Police Dept. armed with parking citation, parking receipts, and several pictures on my cell phone regarding this! I spoke with a very nice officer and explained the situation and showed him all the evidence proving this was totally a mistaken ticket that was given to me. After hearing and seeing everything he agreed it was clearly a mistake and that I had done absolutely nothing incorrect rather the meter had just malfunctioned. He said do not worry at all about the ticket that he would get with the officer who wrote it and have it taken care of! I left with no worries and returned home and that was that... So I thought!! All was good (so I thought) until one day in June I received a letter from Hertz Rental Car stating that they were charging me $30.00 on my credit card for receiving a ticket in there car in April!! Ok... thankfully I had saved the officer's card so I immediately contacted him. I asked him to please look into why this hadn't been taken care of and have that officer take care of it! I also told him I would be back in the area in late July and that I would come there to assure all has been taken care of and to also obtain a written letter to Hertz explaining the situation so that they would credit me the $30.00 they charged my credit card. So... on Monday & Tuesday I went to the police station but was unable to see this specific officer. Today I was able to see and speak with him. He went and pulled my info. & my ticket and when he returned to me he was most apologetic in the fact that this officer still has not taken care of my ticket!! He assured me he was personally going to take care of it all today and would call me later to let me know of what he had done. Later he called me and said everything was done. He read the letter he had typed to Hertz and said he even called them and explained everything. He said the only next step was that this officer had to sign everything and it would be complete. Unfortunately this officer is out until Tuesday!! He has promised me that he personally will take it to him and have him sign the papers and complete everything himself!! I certainly hope this happens this time!! I would hate to find out months later that I still have an outstanding ticket out here!! Anyways, on to more important matters...
Miata's Post-op Appointment
We arrived at Dr. Brent's office and like always he had many other patients there he was seeing. You think I would be used to it by now but I'm not. It still amazes me to see all these little ones with the exact condition who are also in the process of having an ear created for them due to this birth defect! Anyways, they removed Miata's bandages and then the stitches. When we showed her what it looked like in the mirror she asked... What ar
e those black things hanging from my ears!?! I explained to her that while Dr. Brent did the surgery he also pierced her ears!! She didn't really believe it/understand it. She kept saying... but what are those black things!?! Once we were able to get her to understand that he truly did pierce her ears and those black things were the stitch thread he used she was the happiest little one ever!!! She couldn't believe that she had pierced ears!! The first thing she asked was can I get real earrings now? I told her of course she could as soon as we returned home but that she couldn't actually wear them for about 2 more weeks until her ears have healed
more. She didn't mind a bit! She was just so happy with her new ear and that she actually had two pierced ears now!! That of course was the extra step I mentioned Dr. Brent performing during surgery. I had no idea they were able to do this!! When the nurse was giving Miata her "sleepy medicine" she asked me if I wanted this done while she was in surgery! I just looked at her a minute then said, "You mean he can actually do this for her now!?!" She said of course he can, he does this to many of his female patients! I had no idea but of course I said YES! The nurse explained that he liked to do it to assure it was done properly and t
his is the perfect time... while they are asleep! Anyways, I chose not to tell her rather wait and let it be a total surprise once the bandages were removed. Well, that it was... a total surprise which she was most very pleased with! Her expressions were most amusing! Dr. Brent just laughed and laughed at her! He thinks she is the funniest little character as it is and then to see her reactions to this was hilarious!!
So all is well for now we just have to wait and let the ear/ears heal. Next, in September, we will be traveling to Virginia for Dr. Kesser to perform the surgery which will open the ear for her to be able to HEAR from it!!!