Yesterday we spent most of the morning packing our suitcase so we would be ready to leave when the time came. Around lunch time we headed out to eat and made our way to
In-N-Out Burger! If you have ever lived in California or even just visited I'm sure you probably heard of In-n-Out. It is a famous fast food burger place in CA. It is a basic burger joint serving only burgers and fries. Tim asks me each time I am out here, "Have you eaten at In-N-Out yet?" If you are from California (Tim is) and you now go there to visit you HAVE to go to In-N-Out to eat! Anyways, each time he asks I tell him no. Burgers and fries isn't something I normally eat often.

So I decided since this is my third trip out here and now my last day we will go there for lunch. When we arrived there wasn't a parking spot to be found! The parking lot was at least four times the size of the facility and yet still not a parking spot anywhere! The drive through was wrapped totally around the building through the parking lot and even out onto the main road! Cars were parked in every parking spot and even along side of every curb! And this was even after the lunch rush! Totally crazy!! Once we snaked into a parking spot and made our way inside of course they were busy with customers standing everywhere. We finally made our way to order and once done the cashier handed me my receipt and said you are number 44. While she was telling

me I was number 44 the guy beside me was holding a ticket & food and yelled out number
14 your order is ready! I thought to myself, you have got to be kidding me!! Number
14 and I am number
44!! Of course there was not a seat to be found so you have to find someone who is almost done eating and kinda stand around so you can grab their table as soon as they stand to leave! Though they are this crowded and people are waiting everywhere there is no one angry or upset rather they are all just hanging around waiting for their food or

eating and enjoying their food. Well we waited about 25 minutes for food. How was it? It was pretty good. The fries, which they use fresh potatoes and cut into fries, were really good. The price was really good as well! They are definitely cheaper than most places (McDonald's, Chick Fila, etc.) on everything. Overall we enjoyed our lunch but more enjoyable was just the experience.