When he removed the one from her arm it was quite uncomfortable and she complained a little about the pain. The nurse came in and gav

Anyways, once he finished the removal of bandages, he said Dr. Kesser would be in around 7:15 to evaluate Miata's ear and arm and to go over all the post op care then he would discharge her. Well right at 7:15 Dr. Kesser, along with his resident doctors (about 6 of them), all came in to see Miata and to watch Dr. Kesser for learning purposes. Dr. Kesser said everything looked great and all should heal nicely. Miata's arm area was oozing quite a bit which she did NOT like so Dr. Kesser re wrapped it and told me just to remove this bandage tomorrow. This area is suppose to stay open/unwrapped because that is how it heals best. Unfortunately it will continue to ooze for a few days until it begins to dry up and heal a bit more. There is a yellowish material which covers this area (a bit hard to see it) which will fall off in about a week. Then the healing and regrowth of new fresh skin will continue although it will take quite some time for that new fresh skin to thicken and become tougher, like the rest of the arm. This area should heal well but still may obtain a more lighter/whiter appearance than the rest of her arm... time will tell. Poor baby has two good size scars on her abdomen area and now this area of her arm. She has certainly been through a lot in ten months (four surgeries!) BUT to gain hearing in that ear for the rest of her life I feel will be worth it in the end (I certainly pray it will!)
Oh yea, nurse K

After leaving the hospital I took Miata for her favorite... Bacon & Egg Biscuit! She hadn't eaten (other than a few Ritz Bits cheese crackers) since the night before so she was very hungry! Next we were on our way home. We finally made it home about 4:00... I unloaded everything and went right to sleep! I had not slept much for the last three nights so I was exhausted! After an hour nap I felt much better and was ready to cook dinner for everyone! It feels good to be home!
I want to thank everyone for the many prayers lifted up on Miata's behalf!!
On another note...
If you recall during Miata's surgery in July with Dr. Brent he pierced her ears. Well, before this surgery I had to take out the earrings. Also, if you recall in my earlier post I commented about the section of Miata's ear that has reconnected in the back. Due to this reconnection I was only able to find one pair of hoop earrings that I could get in Miata's ear! Unfortunately from first putting those earrings in until now it has worsened to the point that I now, sadly, have made the decision that I cannot place an earring back in that ear. So today once the bandage was removed I replaced the earring in her left ear but had to tell her I was letting the right ear close due to not having enough space in the back for an earring. She isn't happy with just having one earring but I do not want her to have to go through re-piercing both ears again! In my heart I know that she has to have one more surgery to correct this but not sure when that surgery will be. Soon I will have a consultation with Dr. Brent and possibly another surgeon to see what we need to do. Anyways, I figure the doctor can just re-pierce that one ear during that surgery. Then we only have to doctor it for the next 8 weeks instead of having to do it with both ears.
Anyways I say all that to ask... please keep Miata in your prayers for what the future plans will be for the next step/surgery for her!
Also, please be praying for her post-op visit which will be on October 8th at 9:45am. This is when Dr. Kesser will remove all the packing that is currently inside her ear right now. This is the moment that she will begin to hear from that ear!! Then at 10:00am she has an audiology appt. to test her hearing!! Please pray that the results will be good!!
I will post more at the time of her post-op visit.