We arrived safely here in Charlottesville, VA and made our way to the University of Virginia where Dr. Kesser is located. Once we checked in Miata had to go to Audiology to have another hearing test performed before surgery. Just as her last hearing test revealed, she has perfect hearing in her left ear and in her right ear when tested internally through bone conduction testing she also has normal hearing in that right ear. Of course when tested externally on the right ear she cannot hear but hopefully after this surgery all that will change! (Below I have re-posted Miata's April 22nd visit with Dr. Kesser and her hearing test along with the explanation of how the test works.)
Anyways, after her hearing test was complete we made our way upstairs to see Dr. Kesser. He again evaluated her ear, did some testing on it as well, and then we spent a while going over all that he would be doing in surgery tomorrow and what to expect after surgery. He and Dr. Brent are by far the most humble and gentle doctors who truly do the "extras" to make sure their patients (and parents) fully understand the procedures and are comfortable with what is going to take place. I am so grateful for these special doctors and feel most blessed in having them perform these miraculous surgeries on Miata!
Well, after we left the hospital we went to dinner then made our way to our hotel to settle in for the night. It was early to bed since we have to wake at 4:45 to get to the hospital by 6:00am!
April 22nd POST - Hearing Test Results...
Friday, April 2nd, began our spring break and we started out early! Miata had an appointment with Dr. Kesser (the other "Best" doctor - for the Atresia part of her ear) so we were on the road by 6:30am to make it to her 1:30 appointment. Once we arrived we had to take her to Audiology to have another hearing test done on both of her ears. The charts above show the results of her hearing test. The X represents the testing (Air & Bone Conduction Test) on her left ear. The triangle & circle represents the Air Conduction Test on her right ear. The [ (shown to the side of the X's) represent the Bone Conduction Test (testing of her inner ear hearing) on her right ear. What these results mean is... She has perfectly normal hearing in her left ear and severe hearing loss in her right ear, when tested by way of Air Conduction Testing (testing from the outside of the ear.) BUT when tested, by way of Bone Conduction Testing (hooked up to the bone behind the ear to test the hearing inside the ear) she shows (it is this symbol [ beside the X's)perfectly normal hearing in her right ear! So this means her severe hearing loss is ONLY because no sound is able to get through the bone (skull) into her inner ear! Which is why we are on this path... to give her this incredible gift of hearing which she already has but just can't utilize or even realize it yet! Have you ever covered one ear and spoke or listened to someone speaking or went into a room with many sounds/noise (i.e. classroom, home with many members, party, etc.) and then tried to hear someone talking to you (which is the hardest for Miata)? Try it for a few minutes... this is how Miata hears every day of her life. Oh how amazed she will be the first time she hears in stereo!