Picture of Miata & Dr. Kesser just before taking her to the OR room for surgery.

After a short time in recovery we were then our way to the seventh floor, the pediatric ward, where we will be staying through the night. Once on the seventh floor a nurse came to us and said this must be Miata K
eegan! I said, yes! She laughed and said I think it is so funny that I am going to be her nurse... a bit puzzled, I wondered, why? She then showed me her name tag and said my name is Kelly Keegan!! She then said I have not seen the last name Keegan except with my own family members (she is still single so it is her birth name.) Of course I too was amazed... I haven't seen this name other than with Tim's family. Anyways, she is a very sweet nurse and will be checking in on Miata throughout her shift.

As for how Miata is doing...
Other than the little bit of a queezy stomach directly after surgery and the soreness in her arm where the blood pressure cuff was on it through surgery, she has done really well. Dr. Kesser explained to us that after this surgery she might experience a bit of nausea due to the nerves that run through the ear to the mouth and then has a direct affect to the stomach (go figure!?!) Anyways, they gave her some medicine for the nausea and from that point she has been fine. She is now enjoying watching TV and eating more popsicles! Later she will try eating a little dinner.
Oh by the way... Ms. Bunny must have also had some type of work done on her ear since she too came out of surgery with a new bandage on it, as well as an ID tag on her ankle to match Miata's!! Miata reall enjoys this part of surgery too!
In the morning Dr. Kesser will come back and check on her. He will then remove the bandage from her head and give us her discharge instructions. She is happy about not having to keep a bandage on her head for a long time, this time! But she will have packing in that ear for two weeks... until we come back for her 1st post-op visit.
I will update again once Dr. Kesser comes back and releases her.
I will update again once Dr. Kesser comes back and releases her.