Where are we staying??
Well it is amazing how the Lord worked this out using one special woman that He has placed and used in our lives over and over again!
If you recall, I sent out an email in late September to everyone I know asking "Can you help!" A few of you responded with wonderful hearts of wanting to help BUT one that did help! She is our social worker that has worked with our family during the adoption of each of our three girls and also with all the post placements that are required to be done for one year after each of our girls come home. I did know that she was from California because she and Tim had talked about that since he too is from California and she probably told us at some point that more specifically she was from the San Francisco area but I didn't remember this at all! She emailed me back just shortly after the email went out to everyone to let me know that she was from this area and still knows many people who live in the San Fran. area but that it is a very large area with much traffic so depending on where the surgery was being performed and where you stay is very important because it could take a long time in traveling to get to and from the facility. I then gave the location of where Miata would be having surgery and shortly thereafter I had a confirmed housing arrangement!
Where? We are staying with Arlene, the sister (of our social worker) and her husband, Jack! Incredibly they live within a very few minutes (about 10) of where Miata is having her surgery!! They are a Christian couple who seem to be pretty amazing! They have done much ministry work in their area as well as outside their area, right now they are working on helping some people in El Salvador (a situation of people in need of help.) Anyways, she has offered to come get us from the airport (and take us back - which too is a wonderful blessing!) and she will be bringing with her a woman from Kenya who came to the US about a year ago (amazing story I hope to share later.) Even more amazing, her and her husband lived in "Chinatown" for 11 years where they worked in ministry! I really cannot wait to hear more of their work there and also to hopefully visit Chinatown!
On another note...
I have asked myself this question many time in the past and will probably ask it many more in the future! Why am I (are we) always so amazed when we experience God's mighty provisional powers at work in our lives?
He ha