As for our flights, well they were uneventful which is always good! We got to San Francisco's airport about 8:35pm and made our way to the gate where we then waited for about two hours before it was time to board the plane. We arrived in Chicago around 5:15am which was 3:15am SF time so of course we were tired! We had to wait another two hours before boarding our next plane to Raleigh. We made it to Raleigh at about 11:15am. As always I was not able to sleep on the planes! If I got one hour sleep that would be pushing it! Miata on the other hand slept pretty good on each flight. So I was actually up from about 7:00am Wednesday morning and finally went to bed about 9:30pm Thursday night! So approximately 38 hours with no sleep!!
That's alright though because the large Thanksgiving dinner that Tim and I made was well worth being sleep deprived!!
The picture above tells all!
Miata and Jadeyn really missed each other and were so happy to be back together!! They have never been apart from one another before except for a few hours at a time!