Next we went for lunch and then proceeded on to the childrens library, reg. adult library, and then to the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo. We spent most all day at these places. I am suppose to have Miata walk more and more each day so this was a good way to do so. She could walk around the libraries but also take time in between to sit, rest, and read books. It also gave me time to update this blog. At the museum she was able to do a little of the hands on activities but some were too strenuous therefore I wouldn't let her do them. As for the animals, we didn't go outside to see them because at this point Miata was getting a bit tired. Jenny (Arlene's daughter) had suggested that we go to the Oakland Zoo maybe on Saturday and they would come with us. So I figured we could see enough animals then.
Later we met Arlene & Jack, and Jenny & her family at a very nice Chinese restaurant for dinner. The food was great! We had a nice time together during dinner and after dinner we went next door to an ice cream shop where the kids got some ice cream. Miata loved the cotton candy ice cream but was only able to eat a little of her 1 scoop because she was so full from the Chinese food!
Today was a good day and Miata is progressing well each day. The soreness in her rib area is getting better and I was able to cut back on her pain medication. She is a trooper!