Today Miata and I went to Stanford University, which is only about 10 minutes away, to walk around the campus and site see. Arlene had told us that it is a wonderful place to get out and walk around so I
decided that would be great for Miata. I am suppose to keep her walking more each day to help with her rib area as it heals.

Stanford is a huge college and the campus is gorgeous! We walked around the grounds and also went into many buildings to look around. We went to the Stanford Museum which was wonderful. It is really large with much art work, sculptures, cultural artifacts, etc. We went in the Asia part of the museum which was great to see as well as the Rodin sculpture garden just outside the museum.
Later we walked down to the tower and in front of the tower was a very unique fountain because the water in the fountain was very pink:) Miata thought this was really cool. From the top of the tower you could see the entire campus, much of the surrounding area, all the way to the SF Bay! Pretty amazing to see.
Miata is doing better everyday and she is now taking very little pain medicine!